Tag Archives: think ahead

How is our EDH JiuJitsu Kids program different?

Like many quality martial arts schools we stress the importance of discipline, self control, and mutual respect. However, we also emphasize other elements that sets us apart from most martial arts schools. In our teachings we seek out coaching moments to teach collaborative effort through games and play, verbal communication to resolve conflict and share information,


Starting with the games we play to the partner drills, we work hard to create an environment where the students are rewarded when they cooperate. Cooperation is a skill students will utilize for the rest of their life as they progress through their schooling and into their careers. The ability to work together with others, even if they are not friends, is an important skill we all need to learn in order to accomplish an assigned task. This is done mostly with the games we play in class and the partner drills we learn in our training. and to think ahead knowing that all actions have consequences.


While Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling, and Martial Arts is an art we practice with our body, we stress the importance of communication. Students are encouraged to use their words to express when something is not right, uncomfortable, or needs to change. In between classes students have the opportunity to run around on the mat, while this is free play time, it’s also valuable time for them to learn how to better express themselves and communicate with one another. Intermittently during the year we incorporate opportunities for the students to give presentations and share information or events they take part in.


Strategy is an important part of any sport. Needless to say in a game like jiujitsu strategy can make a big impression on the outcome of a match. We teach strategy not only to win but also to plan ahead. To know that decisions have consequences, just like actions have reactions. The ability to think ahead reinforces the idea that all actions, good or bad, have consequences. We look for coaching moments to help the student better understand this process.

Think Strong
Eliot Kelly