Tag Archives: beginner BJJ

Back Control: A Crucial Position for BJJ Beginners

When you first begin your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu journey at El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu, one of the key concepts you’ll encounter is learning to control your opponent from dominant positions. Among the most powerful and fundamental of these is back control. Mastering this position early on can set the stage for your long-term success in BJJ.

What is Back Control?

Back control occurs when you have your legs hooked around your opponent’s hips, your chest against their back, and ideally, your arms controlling their upper body. This is one of the most dominant positions in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu because your opponent has few options to attack or defend, while you have several submission opportunities available. Most notably, the rear naked choke is a finishing move often executed from this position.

Why Should Beginners Focus on Back Control?

  1. Dominance and Safety
    Back control offers a significant advantage in both competition and self-defense. From this position, you are behind your opponent, out of reach of their strikes or counters, giving you the ability to control their movement without being vulnerable to attack. Learning this early gives beginners a sense of safety and control during rolls.
  2. Submission Opportunities
    From the back, there are many submission options that are both fundamental and effective. The rear naked choke is often one of the first submissions taught, as it capitalizes on the control you have over your opponent’s body. Once you have back control, submissions feel within reach, building your confidence as a beginner.
  3. Transitional Awareness
    Learning to maintain back control also helps beginners develop an understanding of transitions. It’s common for opponents to try and escape back control, and learning to follow them, adjust your hooks, and maintain control will strengthen your overall game. As you progress, you’ll learn how to seamlessly transition between back control, mount, and other dominant positions.
  4. Defense Training
    While back control is an offensive powerhouse, understanding this position as a beginner will also help you improve your defense. You’ll learn what to avoid and how to escape when an opponent gains back control on you, which is just as important as learning how to maintain it.

How to Approach Back Control as a Beginner

At El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu, we emphasize drilling back control with a focus on proper technique and patience. As a beginner, here are a few things to keep in mind when practicing this position:

  • Stay tight to your opponent: Keep your chest glued to their back, with your hooks securely in place. This makes it harder for your opponent to escape.
  • Focus on control before submission: Don’t rush to finish your opponent. Learn how to maintain control first, and submissions will follow.
  • Be aware of your opponent’s escape attempts: A good defense from your opponent will be trying to roll or escape your hooks. Anticipating and preventing their escapes will improve your game immensely.

Back control is one of the most powerful and effective positions in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and it’s a position that beginners should learn early on. By mastering this position, you’ll gain confidence in your ability to control an opponent and finish the fight, whether in a competitive match or a self-defense situation.

At El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu, our curriculum ensures that every student, no matter their level, builds a strong foundation in back control and other fundamental positions. Start your journey by learning how to control, submit, and defend from the back—and watch your BJJ game transform!

3 Helpful Tips When You Start Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or Martial Arts

Starting your journey in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) or any martial art is an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be a bit intimidating. At El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu, we often see new students who aren’t sure where to begin. Whether you’re brand new to the sport or revisiting it after a break, these three tips will help you feel more confident and get the most out of your training.

1. Be Patient with Yourself
One of the most important lessons you’ll learn early on in BJJ or any martial art is that progress takes time. It’s easy to compare yourself to more advanced students or feel frustrated when a technique doesn’t click right away. Remember, every black belt was once a beginner. Focus on the small wins – mastering the basics, improving your movement, or simply showing up consistently. The path to growth in martial arts is long, but it’s also deeply fulfilling. Trust the process and enjoy the journey.

2. Focus on the Fundamentals
In martial arts, the foundation is everything. While it might be tempting to try advanced techniques or imitate what you see in competitions, mastering the basics is what will set you up for success. In BJJ, for example, learning positions like guard, mount, and side control, along with basic escapes, will give you a strong understanding of how to control your opponent. At El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu, our curriculum is designed to help students build a solid foundation, starting with 12 key positions and more than 350 movements. By focusing on the fundamentals, you’ll be better prepared for more advanced techniques down the line.

3. Embrace the Learning Environment
When you start training in martial arts, you’re not just learning from your instructor – you’re also learning from your training partners. One of the best things about BJJ is that it’s a cooperative, friendly environment. Ask questions, watch others, and don’t be afraid to tap when necessary. The more open you are to learning from every roll and every sparring session, the faster you’ll improve. At El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu, we emphasize community, which means you’re surrounded by teammates who want to see you succeed as much as you want to improve.

Starting Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or martial arts can feel overwhelming at first, but with patience, focus, and the right mindset, you’ll see progress quickly. At El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu, we’re here to support you every step of the way, whether it’s your first class or your hundredth.

Are you ready to begin your journey? Come train with us!