Tag Archives: el dorado county

Barrett Abel’s Guest Instruction on the wizzer-seatbelt position at El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu

Last week, El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu had the honor of hosting a special guest instructor: Barrett Abel! With his impressive background as a Division One wrestler and the 2023 IBJJF World Masters Champion at blue belt, Barrett’s visit was highly anticipated and did not disappoint.

About Barrett Abel

Barrett Abel’s athletic achievements are truly remarkable. As a former Division One wrestler, he has competed at the highest levels of collegiate wrestling, showcasing his exceptional skills and dedication. Transitioning to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Barrett continued to excel, recently winning the 2023 IBJJF World Masters Championship at blue belt. His visit provided our students with an invaluable opportunity to learn from an athlete who understands both wrestling and Jiu Jitsu.

Highlights from the Small Group Lesson

Barrett Abel’s guest class was a unique and enriching experience for all who attended. Conducted as an intimate small group lesson, students received personalized attention and detailed instruction on specific techniques to enhance their game.

Key Highlights Included:

  1. Whizzer-Seatbelt Position: Barrett provided a detailed breakdown of the whizzer, or overhook, position. He demonstrated how to effectively use the whizzer to control opponents and set up attacks.
  2. Dogfight (jiujitsu) Position: Students learned the intricacies of the dogfight position, a critical transition point where the battle for control often takes place. Barrett emphasized the importance of maintaining balance and leverage in this position.

Student Reactions

The small group format of the lesson was a huge success, with students expressing their excitement and appreciation for the opportunity to learn from Barrett in such a personalized setting. With clarity and precision of his instruction, his techniques and insights have already made a positive impact on their training.

One student shared, “Learning from Barrett in a small group setting was an incredible experience. His approach to integrating wrestling and Jiu Jitsu was eye-opening, and I feel more confident in my takedown and control techniques now.”

A Lasting Impact

Barrett Abel’s visit left a strong impression on our community at El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu. His expertise and passion for the sport inspired our small group, and his techniques and strategies will continue to influence our training for a long time to come.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Barrett Abel for sharing his knowledge and making this event such a memorable experience. We look forward to more opportunities to learn from well rounded athletes like Barrett in the future.

Teaching Integrity on the Mats at El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu

At El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu, we believe that the lessons learned on the mats extend far beyond the dojo. One of the values we emphasize to our young practitioners is integrity. But what exactly does integrity mean, especially for our younger-age students?

Understanding Integrity

Integrity means doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. It’s about being honest, trustworthy, and making good choices simply because it’s the right thing to do. We teach our students that integrity is a cornerstone of both jiu jitsu and life.

Examples of Integrity in Action

To help our young students grasp the concept of integrity, we share relatable examples:

  1. Being Honest: If a student accidentally knocks over a water bottle and no one sees, we encourage them to pick it up and inform the coach. This simple act of honesty builds character.
  2. Playing Fair: When rolling with a partner, following the rules and not cheating to win is crucial. While winning is exciting, doing it the right way is what truly matters.
  3. Helping Others: If a student notices a friend struggling with a technique, we encourage them to offer help. Taking extra time to practice together not only improves skills but also fosters a supportive community.

Integrity: A Superpower

We tell our students that integrity is like having a superpower. It makes them better teammates, friends, and people. By being honest, fair, and kind, they can positively impact those around them.

Practicing Integrity Every Day

At El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu, we strive to instill integrity in our students daily. Whether on the mats or in their everyday lives, we want our young practitioners to understand the importance of doing the right thing.

Here are three questions to help our young students learn and reflect on integrity:

  1. “Is this the right thing to do?”
  • Encourage students to pause and consider their actions.
  1. “Would I be proud of my actions if others knew?”
  • This helps students think about their actions even when no one is watching.
  1. “How would I feel if someone did this to me?”
  • This promotes empathy and helps students understand the impact of their actions on others, fostering a sense of fairness and kindness.

Let’s continue to practice integrity, both here at the dojo and beyond. Together, we can build a community of strong, principled individuals who make an impact in a positive way.

Join us at El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu as we champion integrity and other core values that shape our students into outstanding individuals.

Celebrate Independence Day with El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu: Special Schedule Announcement

As we gear up for the Fourth of July festivities, El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu wishes everyone a safe and joyful Independence Day! In observance of the holiday, please take note of our adjusted class schedule:

July 3rd (Wednesday):

  • 9:00 AM: Peewee & Kids Class
  • 10:00 AM: Junior & Adult Class

July 4th (Thursday):


July 5th (Friday):

  • 9:00 AM: Peewee & Kids Class
  • 10:00 AM: Junior & Adult Class

We encourage all our members to enjoy the holiday with family and friends, and to come back refreshed and ready to train on July 5th.

Thank you for being a part of the El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu community. Have a fantastic Fourth of July!

Stay safe and see you on the mats!

For any questions regarding the schedule or upcoming events, please feel free to contact us. Keep training, stay strong, and celebrate freedom!

Unlocking Excellence: Essence of EDH Jiu-Jitsu Academy doing Extra of the Ordinary is Extraordinary

In the bustling world of martial arts academies, there exists a beacon of innovation at the EDH Jiu-Jitsu Academy. More than just a place to train, EDH Jiu-Jitsu Academy embodies a philosophy that celebrates the extraordinary in every aspect of martial arts practice. In this post, we delve into the ethos of EDH Jiu-Jitsu Academy and how it fosters a culture where doing extra of the ordinary is embraced as the pathway to greatness.

Embedded in our core principles, EDH Jiu-Jitsu Academy stands apart from traditional martial arts schools by challenging its students to push beyond the boundaries of conventional training. Here, practitioners are encouraged to explore innovative techniques, experiment with new approaches, and embrace discomfort as a catalyst for growth.

At the heart of EDH Jiu-Jitsu Academy is the belief that excellence is not achieved by following the status quo but by daring to venture into uncharted territory. Instructors empower students to tap into their full potential by encouraging them to go beyond their comfort zones and challenge themselves both mentally and physically.

In the dojo of EDH Jiu-Jitsu, every training session is an opportunity for students to unlock their inner greatness. Through drills, sparring sessions, and personalized instruction, practitioners hone their skills and develop the resilience needed to overcome obstacles.

Moreover, EDH Jiu-Jitsu Academy fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among its members. Students support and uplift each other, celebrating not only individual achievements but also collective progress. In this inclusive environment, everyone is encouraged to strive for excellence, knowing that their journey is supported by a network of like-minded individuals.

What sets EDH Jiu-Jitsu Academy apart is its commitment to innovation and continuous improvement. In addition to traditional Jiu-Jitsu techniques, instructors incorporate elements from other martial arts disciplines, sports psychology, and strength conditioning to provide students with a well-rounded training experience.

Whether you’re a seasoned martial artist or a beginner taking your first steps onto the mat, EDH Jiu-Jitsu Academy offers a transformative journey toward self-discovery and mastery. By embracing the philosophy of EDH and daring to do extra of the ordinary, students unlock the extraordinary within themselves and emerge as empowered individuals both on and off the mat.

In a world where conformity often stifles creativity and growth, EDH Jiu-Jitsu Academy stands as a beacon of inspiration—a place where the pursuit of excellence knows no bounds. So, if you’re ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and unlock your full potential, come join us at EDH Jiu-Jitsu Academy, where greatness awaits.