Tag Archives: parent participation

Embracing the Role of a Supportive Parent in the World of Jiujitsu

As a parent, one of the most fulfilling experiences is watching your child discover and pursue their passions. When your child chooses to dive into the world of jiujitsu, it can open up a new and exciting chapter for both of you. Even if you don’t train jiujitsu yourself, there are numerous ways you can be a supportive and encouraging parent.

Understanding Jiujitsu: A Primer for Non-Practitioners

Jiujitsu, often referred to as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), is a martial art focusing on ground fighting and submission holds. It’s not just a physical discipline but also a mental game that emphasizes strategy, patience, and resilience. As a parent, learning the basics about jiujitsu can help you appreciate the intricacies of the sport and the skills your child is developing.

Becoming a Proactive Supporter

  1. Attend Classes and Competitions: Showing up matters. Whether it’s a regular class, a local competition, or a major tournament, your presence can be incredibly motivating for your child. Cheer them on, celebrate their victories, and support them through losses.
  2. Learn the Language: Familiarize yourself with common terms and concepts in jiujitsu. Knowing the difference between a guard and a mount, or understanding what a “tap” means, can make conversations with your child more engaging and meaningful.
  3. Encourage Patience and Discipline: Jiujitsu requires regular practice and a lot of discipline. Encourage your child to stay committed to their training schedule, and help them balance jiujitsu with their other responsibilities, like school and chores.
  4. Check in & communicate with the coach: Don’t hesitate to check in with a coach about how you can help with their development. Our coaches at edh jiujitsu love involved parents and are happy to answer questions or give feedback. If you’re motivated to join us on the mat as a coach during class you’re always welcome![

Emotional and Mental Support

  1. Foster a Growth Mindset: Jiujitsu, like any sport, comes with its ups and downs. Help your child develop a growth mindset by emphasizing effort over results. Praise their hard work and resilience, and help them see losses as learning opportunities.
  2. Manage Stress and Pressure: Competitions can be stressful. Teach your child techniques to manage anxiety, such as deep breathing, visualization, or positive self-talk. Remind them that their worth isn’t defined by their results on the mat.
  3. Celebrate Small Victories: Recognize and celebrate milestones, no matter how small. Whether it’s mastering a new technique, earning a stripe on their belt, or showing good sportsmanship, acknowledging these moments can boost their confidence and motivation.

Creating a Supportive Environment

  1. Build a Network: Connect with other parents in the jiujitsu community. Sharing experiences, challenges, and tips can provide valuable support and camaraderie.
  2. Promote Balance: While jiujitsu is important, ensure it doesn’t overshadow other aspects of your child’s life. Encourage them to pursue other interests and maintain a healthy balance between jiujitsu, academics, and social activities.
  3. Set Realistic Goals: Help your child set achievable goals in their jiujitsu journey. Whether it’s progressing to the next belt level or refining a specific technique, setting and achieving goals can provide a sense of accomplishment and direction.

Being a supportive parent in the world of jiujitsu doesn’t require you to be an expert in the sport or a martial artist. Your role is to encourage, support, and guide your child as they navigate their jiujitsu journey. By being present, understanding their experiences, and fostering a positive and balanced environment, you can help your child thrive both on and off the mat. Embrace the journey together, and watch as your child grows in confidence, skill, and character through the art of jiujitsu.