Tag Archives: Positional Dominance

The Art of Combat: How John Wick Uses BJJ to Take Down the Bad Guys

When it comes to action movies, few can match the intensity and sheer cool factor of the “John Wick” series. Whether you’re a fan of the high-octane chases, the gritty underworld setting, or Keanu Reeves’ stoic portrayal of the world’s deadliest hitman, there’s something for everyone to love. But for us at El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu, one thing stands out above the rest: the martial arts choreography, especially the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) techniques that are seamlessly woven into the action.

Breaking Down the BJJ in John Wick

“John Wick” is famous for its realistic and brutal fight scenes. What makes them so captivating is the blending of different martial arts styles, with BJJ playing a starring role. Let’s take a look at how John Wick uses BJJ to outmaneuver, control, and subdue his opponents.

The Armbar: Wick’s Go-To Submission

One of the most iconic BJJ techniques used in the John Wick films is the armbar. Whether he’s flipping an enemy to the ground or locking in a submission to disable them, Wick’s use of the armbar is a textbook example of how effective BJJ can be in a real combat scenario. In BJJ, the armbar is a technique that allows you to hyperextend your opponent’s arm, forcing them to submit or face serious injury.

In the movie, you’ll often see Wick set up the armbar from a variety of positions—sometimes after a throw or during a scramble on the ground. The fluidity and speed with which he transitions from striking to grappling to submission show just how versatile and powerful BJJ can be.

Taking Down with Judo Throws and BJJ Takedowns

John Wick isn’t just about fancy submissions; he’s also a master of takedowns. Throughout the series, you’ll spot Wick utilizing a mix of judo throws and BJJ takedowns to bring his opponents to the ground where he can dominate the fight. Techniques like the hikikomi gaeshi, a throw that we practice in our 6 am classes, and single leg takedowns are staples in his arsenal.

What’s impressive is how these techniques are choreographed to look both dynamic and realistic. They’re not just about brute strength; they’re about leverage, timing, and using your opponent’s momentum against them—principles we drill regularly at El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu.

Control and Finish: The Power of Positional Dominance

Another key element of BJJ that’s beautifully showcased in the John Wick films is positional dominance. In BJJ, controlling your opponent’s position is crucial, and John Wick demonstrates this to perfection. Whether he’s securing mount or transitioning to back control, Wick ensures he’s always in a superior position before going for the finish.

In one memorable scene, Wick secures a triangle choke, a move that exemplifies the effectiveness of BJJ in a life-or-death situation. By using his legs to choke out an opponent while keeping his hands free to deal with another attacker, Wick shows just how powerful and versatile BJJ can be.

The Realism Behind the Choreography

The realism in “John Wick’s” fight scenes didn’t happen by accident. Keanu Reeves underwent intense training with BJJ black belts and other martial arts experts to prepare for his role. The filmmakers worked closely with choreographers who have a deep understanding of martial arts to ensure that the techniques portrayed were authentic and true to life.

At El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu, we love seeing our sport represented in such an exciting way. It’s a reminder that the techniques we drill day in and day out aren’t just for sport—they have real-world applications, whether you’re defending yourself or just looking to channel your inner John Wick.

Ready to Unleash Your Inner John Wick?

Watching John Wick in action is inspiring, but nothing beats the real thing. Whether you’re new to martial arts or a seasoned practitioner, El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu is the perfect place to hone your skills. Our classes focus on the same principles that make John Wick so formidable: control, technique, and efficiency.

So, if you’re ready to train like the world’s most feared hitman (minus the whole assassination part), come join us on the mats. Who knows? You might just become the next Baba Yaga of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

See you on the mat!