All posts by edhjiujitsu

jiujitsu class for age 4,5,6

PeeWee class at EDH Jiu Jitsu
When I first started coaching I was very intimidated by the peewee class. It seemed like it was going to be so difficult to get a group of four to six year olds to listen and move as a team. That’s because I didn’t understand the goal and expectation of that class.

The goal of that class is that they have fun, exercise, and learn something  new. The expectation of that class is that they are present, not perfect.
When I first started coaching I was a helper in the peewee and kid class. Pee wee jiujitsu felt especially overwhelming to me. The class has a fast pace and kids at that age have much shorter attention spans than the kids jiujitsu class.

When I started leading the peewee class it felt like a huge step up in responsibility. Once I learned the formula and understood the goals and expectation that class became very fun for me to teach. Watching kids at a young age progress every week and learning basic Jiu Jitsu positions while having a fun time feels very rewarding.

In the peewee class we want them learning basic Jiu Jitsu positions and basic movements. We teach these positions by playing games with the coach and with the students paired up, playing games with each other. The games involve significant elements of jiujitsu and are competitions where students work together or against a team mate for the win. With this method we check all of the boxes for that class; they’re having fun, they are learning, and they are getting a work out.

My expectation as a coach isn’t for the student to be perfect. If we expected four to six year olds to behave perfectly in class that would be an unreasonable expectation. We just want them to be present (and mentally checked in) while in class so they can learn and improve.

Something we talk to the kids a lot about is focus. The more they practice focus the easier it is for them to stay present. At the beginning of class we take deep breaths and talk about using our eyes, ears, and body as tools to help us focus. The deep breath is a really helpful tool to help them refocus. Another thing we talk about is hustle. To have hustle they have to be present, if they have good hustle, that means they are moving with focus. I really love seeing all of the students progress every week with their jiujitsu knowledge, their ability to focus, and their hustle. 

Coach Danny

Disciplien & motivation

Something I have struggled a lot with and seen others struggle with is finding a way to feel motivated, especially to do things that I don’t enjoy. Even though it does seem easier to get things done when I feel motivated it doesn’t actually change anything about the activity. If I need to clean my house I am still going to do all of the same chores whether I feel like doing them or not.

Same with Jiu Jitsu, whether or not i feel motivated to go to practice is not going to change what takes place at that practice. Motivation seems like something out of my control. It’s nice when it is there but it does not stay forever.

However, when people have discipline they will get things done with or without feeling motivated. Discipline is a skill that we can practice where as motivation is a feeling that we experience. Developing a routine and sticking to it whether it’s with diet, exercise, learning are all opportunities to practice discipline. Anytime hanging out at home and watching Netflix or playing video games sounds better than going to the gym for training, I have an opportunity to practice discipline. This means being disciplined is totally in my control and that no matter how bad I am at it, I can improve with practice.
Personally, I find it much easier to be very disciplined in things that I enjoy and areas where I feel motivated. I find that it takes much more effort and focus to practice being disciplined when it comes to things I don’t enjoy.

I know if and when I put in that focus and effort and practice being disciplined, the payout is always worth it. I used to really dislike weight lifting and strength training in general. I would never do it because i just did not feel motivated to lift weights. About a year ago I decided to just put it into my routine twice a week. Every Tuesday and Thursday I would show up and do the workout whether I felt like it or not until it became a habit. Now it’s one of my favorite parts of my routine.

Another thing I have always struggled to find motivation for is cleaning. For a long time I would neglect my chores because…. well, who wants to clean, right? Somebody I shared this with suggested that I plan to do my cleaning at specific times of the day and week, and make it a routine. So I made a commitment with myself and set up a weekly cleaning schedule. At first this was very difficult for me and felt like it took forever. Now that I have been doing it for a few years it is just a habit. Even with things I don’t enjoy much, I know if I practice being disciplined with those activities for long enough, they will become easier and easier and sometimes even enjoyable. If I depend on motivation to reach my goals, I will never get there. If I practice discipline to work towards my goals, almost anything is within reach. 

Coach Danny

The Ruckus in the Hills in house tournament at El Dorado Hills Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was a pretty awesome experience for me. It was my first time Refereeing a tournament. I got to watch a lot of kids that I teach compete, many of them for their first time. Seeing everybody come together for such an event and feeling the sense of community was very special.
I had a lot of fun being one of the referees. It’s a pretty difficult and very important job at Jiu Jitsu tournaments. The responsibility of keeping the athletes safe felt like a daunting task. Having that up close view of each match made it very rewarding. In my preparation for refereeing the tournament I reviewed the IBJJF rules which i thought I already knew pretty well. Something that I learned was the rule on stalling is a lot more objective than I thought it was based on my experience competing and watching competition. They even have video examples of what should be called and time limits for their stalling rule. I thought that was really interesting.
The competitors all fought really hard which was awesome to see. Everybody also showed really good sportsmanship. It was cool to see people compete hard with their teammates while still being good teammates and friends. Watching the kids deal with the nerves of competition and then conquering that fear by stepping on the mat and doing their best was one of the highlights of the day for me.
The overall experience of the tournament was really positive for me. It was cool seeing everybody hanging out, chatting and enjoying the matches. I think the feeling in the room was a really good example of the strong, family friendly culture of EDH BJJ.

Coach Danny

enrollment at edh bjj

We’re excited to open our classes for FULL ENROLLMENT.

To enroll please email us:

Depending on the class, you will be placed on a waitlist. We have chosen not to open enroll at this time. Instead, we are gradually adding students into class. This will help us maintain the integrity of our training environment and not overwhelm the coaches with many new students joining all at once.

Please specify what type of classes you are looking to enroll in:

Pee Wee (age 4-6)

Kids (age 7-10)

Juniors (age 11-15)

Adult (age 15+)

In addition to group classes, we also offer 1on1 and small group training, personal performance programs, and jiujitsu parties for team building and birthday!

We thank you for your patience and support!

Mat Mind: Shin-Gi-Tai A Martial Arts philosophy

心技体 read in Japanese shin-gi-tai, is a martial arts philosophy often seen in calligraphy on the walls of martial arts dojos. This philosophy is based on an interconnected idea that a practice in each singular area contributes to polishing the other areas of yourself.

Shin, 心 means heart. When the heart is full, the body is forged further and your skills are polished

Gi, 技 means technique. When you polish your skills, the heart grows full and the body is forged stronger.

Tai, 体 means body. When the body is forged fully, the heart becomes full and steady while your skills dyed into the self.

While this is one simple explanation, the philosophy of shin-gi-tai is quite multi dimensional and this explanation alone shouldn’t be an end to understanding but rather the beginning to a more complete understanding of your self.

I would challenge all martial artists to intermittently check in to the idea of shin-gi-tai in your journey and practice of martial arts. In fact, many other skills or activities like calligraphy, flower arrangement, and ceramics have also referred to shin-gi-tai as a component of developing the in the art.

Check in to the idea of shin-gi-tai and see how it does or doesn’t relate to your practice. How has your understanding of the philosophy changed or been reinforced?


Mat Mind: Learn, Review, Refine. The learning mindset

Learning is the process of acquiring and developing skills. While the act of learning is a one time activity, the process of learning is a continuous activities of repetition.

Here we talk about the mindset of learning in a three part process.

  1. LEARN

At first glance this three part process seems very simple and basic. However, there are layers upon layers of repetition to each step.

First is LEARN. Anything new needs to be learned, but different teachers will emphasize different ideas, elements, or concepts. Therefore having an open mind to learning is helpful. We can sometimes fall into the trap of dismissing basic ideas, movements or positions because we have “already seen it.” This is a common trap in never quite being able to execute a technique and fully learn or understand the material. Approach training and the process of learning with an open mind.

Second, REVIEW the material often. Review is the step that people skip. They fall into a trap thinking they understand and start refining when they never took it upon themselves to put in the repetition under different circumstances. Revisit what the coach talked about, explore other material that is similar to the topic of conversation. Review and repeat. Don’t try to add your “flare” to the technique quite yet. Instead, try to understand what the instruction was all about by working it as much as possible.

Finally REFINE. This is when you get to truly own what you have been working on. I also think this is the process of mastery (again, not a final destination, but a mindset and mentality). Refine the details not just to better your understanding but also to better be able to adapt the technique with different types of opponents. Many people want to immediately jump to this stage because it’s fun to put your “flare” and make it your own, but unless you put in the energy and effort to review and repeat, the final process of refining seldom is successful.

Most importantly, I believe we need to understand that learning is a process and not a result of a few actions. This requires the student to have the mindset in how they approach the process and have the self awareness to know what stage of learning they are looking to develop.



Mat Mind: thinking about martial arts through sumo

This is a documentary video not just on SUMO, Japan’s national sport, but also an insight into the lifestyle of traditional martial arts as a cut throat professional competition.

While this is NOT what we look to replicate at our jiujitsu studio, there are valuable ideas, lessons, and philosophy we can take and understand from the documentary. Needless to say, if you understand stand up grappling, wrestling, and body position, it’s a fun technical look into the art of takedowns.

While this documentary centers around the career of KYOKUSHUZAN “SHU,” it’s also includes the similar difficulties experienced by other non-Japanese wrestlers.

Some ideas discussed:

  • Training for long term vs short term
  • Understanding the BIG picture
  • Rank and responsibility
  • Mental toughness
  • Size, strength, speed, and technique
  • Mentorship and apprenticeship

Again, this isn’t the type of culture we want to replicate at edhbjj. However, it’s important to understand the different dynamics that exists within an ultra competitive environment of martial arts. Better understanding these dynamics allows us to better what we do at our jiujitsu school.


Mat Mind: Learning & Improving jiujitsu without training

There are two main ways you can learn and improve your jiujitsu while being off the mat.

  1. Visualization of jiujitsu
  2. Watching jiujitsu

This post will focus on some ways to observe, study, and analyze jiu-jitsu. In general, there are several different ways of watching jiujitsu. You can watch jiujitsu competition, jiujitsu technique video, and recently there are new and innovative ways that bridge the gap between these two distinctly different types of jiujitsu study. (Some people have filmed themselves training with voice overs, some have clipped together jiujitsu movements by the same of different athletes with a technical breakdown inserted into the video) These are great tools to help you boost your ability in watching and observing because it allows you to LOOK for WHAT you are LOOKING for.

If you’re new to jiujitsu and/or new to watching jiujitsu competition start with the WHITE BELTS. (even if you are not a white belt any more, if you have few hours of jiujitsu study, you are most likely lacking in the “skill” of analyzing jiujitsu). Here is what you should look for in watching the competition:

  • Patters in positions (What are the common positions you notice?)
  • Patters in movement (What are the common attacks you notice?)

Watching the BEST of the BEST competing in the PINNACLE of the SPORT is a fun way to experience jiujitsu (especially LIVE and IN PERSON) There’s so much energy in the arena, I would encourage everyone to to and watch the world championships at some point in their jiujitsu journey. However, this might not be the best or most efficient way to learn and improve for YOU. Watching the best in action is fun and exciting, but sometimes won’t translate directly to you being able to execute what you saw for yourself. At the highest level, there are many more variables of strategy, rule bending, and athleticism.

Much like the practice of jiujitsu, where you train and incrementally learn and rank up in belt, there is a skill to learning how to watch, learn, observe, and analyze the game. The more engaged hours you spend watching jiujitsu competitions the better you become at interpreting the information for yourself and others to understand. So, don’t shy away from watching ALL LEVELS of jiujitsu competition. You might find yourself able to learn better from watching a blue or purple belt competition. In theory, their technique and attacks are a little more simple and less disguised. You may find the activity more enjoyable than watching a 10 minute black belt match with little to know action (don’t hesitate to fast forward). When the times comes, you should also rewind, and replay multiple times!

A good phrase to remember when competing for yourself and also when watching others compete: “The best athlete doesn’t always win the competition, the athlete who competes the best is the winner.” Observing who is competing the best on that day, observing who finds a way to win regardless of the odds is another fun part of watching competitions.

Getting Stronger Together


Mat Mind: What are you avoiding? Why?

As we continue to roll through 2021, taking on challenges and ambitiously working towards your goals, it’s important to stop and think about what you are avoiding.

What am I avoiding during my training?

  • A bigger stronger person
  • A new student with no technique
  • A smaller person
  • An experienced veteran who always wins
  • A competitor
  • My weak points

While the list goes on, it’s important to remember there are things that should be avoided in training.

  • Bad hygiene
  • High intensity without technique
  • Rude behavior
  • Illegal moves and holds

Today we’re talking about the first list, not the second, and the importance of addressing them with the skills and tools we have available. The more we work on addressing what we avoid, the BETTER we will get! It’s important so I’ll repeat that… The more we work on addressing what we avoid, the BETTER we will get! I use the pleural “we” because it usually involves you and your training partner problem solving and the ripple effect from that makes US ALL BETTER!

The first step is to think about and figure out WHAT you avoid (maybe both on and off the mat). This could be a conscious thing, it could be a subconscious thing. The next step is to think about WHY you avoid certain aspects of training.

ex: “I avoid warm ups because they are hard.” “I avoid people who roll hard because I don’t like to train hard.” “I don’t do leg locks because I have bad knees.”

Once you know WHAT and WHY, it would be good to think about the TOOLS and SKILLS you have available to work through or work with what you have been avoiding. Usually things involves the practice of COMMUNICATION (A constant practice and sometimes difficult thing but very useful and important).

Don’t hesitate to talk to a coach first. Your coach has experienced many things multiple times and might be better equipped with the tools and skills to address what’s being avoided.

In our mind, we might be thinking this isn’t going to be easy. We often avoid things because we know (or just think) something is going to be difficult. That’s why it’s important to consult with a coach or a training partner who has been around longer for help. They can guide you and hopefully show you how to better take on something you’ve been avoiding with ease.