Talk and ideas on home learning from edh Jiujitsu

Here is the link to our talk:

If you click the Discussion tab on the left and go back to 3/14 you can see my original post of resources. An addition to that is They have leveled readers and you can search by subject, genre, level, etc. A lot of them come with activities and reading guides which is great for independent work, especially if you have an independent reader. They have a free trial that will let you download quite a bit before it cuts you off.

Another thing I forgot to mention in my live chat….our “quarantine journals” are a nod to the fact that some day our kids’ kids and grandkids will think it’s crazy that they lived through this time and will ask what it was like and what they did. While it doesn’t speak to how it has felt, it includes each day’s checklist and their school work, as well as copies of any writing or letters they do. I have thought in past about how my great grandparents were alive during the pandemic of 1918 and were growing their families during that time…which must have been a little scary and weird! I am obviously thinking about it a lot now and how I’d love to be able to ask them about it. I explained to the kids how years from now people will ask about this time period in the same way we ask about that time period and they can look back at their journals. In my journal I just make notes about how things are going for our family and as changes have been made to shelter in place orders, etc. I’m not a journaler usually but this feels like a little bit of history.

And one last thing…I know I mentioned it but please don’t take anything I’ve said/shared as some indicator as peace and perfection in the Kelly household! There is love and gratitude and fun, as well as yelling, frustration, and general sense of going absolutely nutty. And that’s ok

Our kids won’t know most of these people but at least I’m excited to have Sean Astin read me a story 😁

We use this site for astronaut storytime, but they have cool science videos too!

A list of great resources!

This is a link to a post about educational programming on KVIE.

This has been widely shared but is a nice visual way to think about structuring your day!

Another good way to help kids understand:

I know our kids’ school will be doing virtual learning but these are helpful. And when in doubt, read read read! Then write about it and talk about it!

This is available every day at 10am our time and viewable any time after that! Fun for everyone, especially if you remind your kids that this is the author of Knufflebunny and the Elephant and Piggie series.

Monday online class schedule

Monday at noon! Adult & Jr jiujitsu on zoom & fb live. We will have a class online every Monday at noon for ages 10 and up. This class will feature a warm up, movement, and some jiujitsu technique.

In the afternoon we will have a family jiujitsu class at 4. Family jiujitsu will be on fb live and archived on the website for those who want to practice on their own schedule.

Please check in to our schedule on the website for class schedule. We hope to continue to add to the schedule until we are able to resume classes.

Team update during closure

Dear Team,

We really appreciate the support you have been giving us to keep our jiu jitsu school viable through the quarantine and after. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

We currently have an online class archived on our website, as well as live classes being taught on FB live and Zoom. Please refer to our website calendar to join in on our live class sessions….we want to stay connected and continue to grow and learn as jiu jitsu practitioners!

We want to do our part to help our team so we have reduced your membership by 25% from March 27th.

If possible, we encourage to pass the 25% on to support local small businesses or to support families that have been impacted.

We miss everyone and look forward to resuming training in person and learning with everyone all together!

0600 black & blue Friday

Here is origin of our tribute rash guards.

It is not a nickname class, the name is a tribute to law enforcement, first responders, military, or any public service careers that operate on a 2400 military style clock. Even Ted Volpendesta, working his butt off as a nurse right now in these crazy times- he even operates on a 2400 clock.

I created the rash guards for the proceeds to be donated to a law enforcement type charity. It is not a separator, it is a unifier to support our brothers and sisters on the front line. In OUR Jiu Jitsu community, there are many. This is one for you. The rash guards is for the WHOLE DOJO.

Here is some of the other back story.

I served in the Army for 15 years (Believe it or not, I’m Eliot’s age ) lol. I did physical training every morning my whole military career and when I was training, it was always something like 0530, 0600, 0630… So when I joined the 6 am class, I would call it 0600 out of habit and tradition.

The other half, is jokingly I would call it Black Gi Friday cuz it sounded cool and since I have a BIG MOUTH, I would repeat it in class, Black Gi Friday- and it started to stick after 2 years of saying it with my big mouth. Michael Ferrel who comes to 0600 doesn’t own a black gi. Actually he only owns blue gis I think Lol so it was never going to be all black, so then I started saying Black and Blue Friday – Hence the tribute was born.

Please, our class is not a separator, it is a unifier. In times like these especially, for those continuing to serve our communities on the front lines, Thank You!!!!!!!!

All Love!!!
