Yoga & Judo Fundraiser for Sacramento area Jiu Jitsu Family

This was an event led by one of our students Jamie. She is currently a purple belt and is an avid leader in community events and projects, always looking for opportunities to volunteer her time and energy.

Thank you to everyone who came out today and supported our event, to benefit Troy Goodsell’s family! Thank you Michael Fong Yoga for leading an awesome yoga session, and to Professor Kiet Se for teaching some grip fighting and a Judo throw! You both are very appreciated!

Many of you know that the Sacramento Jiu-jitsu community lost a student and friend, Troy Goodsell to a hard battle against cancer. Troy was an inspiration to everyone. One thing I love about Jiu-jitsu is how supportive the communities are towards each other. Thank you EDH Jiu Jitsu for welcoming this event at the dojo.

Profits of the event today was donated to the Goodsell family.

Thank you again to everyone for your kindness and support!

Jamie organized the event & Michael taught Yoga

Donation seminar for Goodsell family

Jamie is throwing a fundraiser event this Sunday, September 8th at 9:00 am!

The proceeds will benefit the family of Troy Goodsell, who was a student of Jiu-jitsu, and recently lost his battle to cancer.

Troy went through 3 rounds of chemo, and 30 rounds radiation.

In honor of Troy, this funraising event will consist of 3 sessions for 30 minutes each.

9:00 am- Yoga with World yoga retreat leader, Michael Fong.

9:30 am- Judo throws and grip fighting with Professor Bjj and Judo black belt, Kiet Se.

10:00 am- 30 minutes of open mat.

Even if you do not do Bjj or Judo, you are more than welcome to come just to do yoga with Michael Fong!

Suggested donation is $15 for the whole event, and proceeds will be benefiting the family of Troy Goodsell, who was a student of Jiu-jitsu, and recently lost his battle to cancer.

Hope to see you all there, and thank you for your support for this event!

Yellow Black Belt Promotion: Slater

Yellow Black Belt Belt Promotion for Slater the creator of “the nacho.”

Slater moved to EDH from the islands of Hawaii and came with a great level of experience in training and competition.

As he enters high school it’s fun to see him take on more responsibility, mentor his peers, and train with his father and other adults at the dojo.

Slater is stubborn…. He refuses to give up, he will fight and fight to get his way. Sometimes his stubborn nature gets him in a pickle, but he knows it and understands it as a strength and weakness.

Slater is genuine. Always ready to help the new or younger student. His kindness to help others has only grown with his personality.

We’re excited to see him continue to grow both on and off the mat!

Blue belt project: Placerville Rebuilds

OK, Facebook army, it’s time to harness your power for good! ACTION ITEMS ARE BELOW!

Most of you have seen the tons of posts I’ve made in the last year or so about my experience with my incredible teammates at El Dorado Hills Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Self Defense, and as part of my progression towards a blue belt promotion, we’re asked to put together a project within our community, something we’re passionate about. I’m going to use this as an opportunity to finally kick-start something I’ve been thinking about for a while. If all goes well, it will be an on-going project.

Many of you have probably seen posts in the past where I’ve gone down and volunteered with “Rebuild Together Sacramento” on projects where they work with a person or family who needs some help fixing things up around the house. The team will do things like replace flooring, paint, fix power outlets/switches, repair some stairs, etc., and I’ve found that I’m REALLY happy and fulfilled when I do things like that. It’s my small way of fighting back against how negative and angry everyone seems to be these days.

I’ve been trying to figure out who does that sort of stuff for our community in Placerville, but with no luck. Who is the person that folks call when their 90-year-old neighbor has front steps that are falling apart (or maybe they’re now in a wheelchair, and need a ramp), but just can’t afford to call a contractor out? Or if a friend-of-a-friend is a struggling single parent of 4 who works their butt off every day, but their house could really use a few things fixed to make every-day life easier?

I figured, if I can’t figure out who that is, maybe I should be that guy? Even if I don’t have the particular skill needed for an ask, I can both call on my colleagues in the construction industry and my community to help me out and use it as a chance to learn something new.

Long-term, I’m pretty sure I’m going to start up a non-profit to do all of this, because I’ll need to carry insurance, give receipts for businesses that donate materials (when I can convince them to), etc. But for now, I’m going to use the blue-belt project as my test run – it doesn’t have to be big and dramatic, I just want to see if there’s a need for this kind of organization. To that end, I have a few asks for you, my amazing circle of friends and family.


1) If you’re in the Placerville area and know someone who you think should be nominated, please use this form to submit their information:

2) If you’d like to volunteer to help out for this (and/or future) projects, please fill out your information using this form:

3) If you’re a local business who is interested in helping out, either by donating materials (I’ll know more about what’s needed once we nail down a nomination) or monetarily, please contact me directly – use my email if you would, please

4) I need a name! I’ve been loosely referring to this as “Placerville Rebuilds” but that’s too similar to the organization down in Sac, and I don’t want to make them grumpy, thinking I’m trying to confuse people. Give me suggestions in the comments or in a message, if you have one.

5) If you’ve got experience with starting a non-profit, or can help me figure out insurance, etc., please let me know that, as well.

The goal is to make this project happen sometime in the next month or two (hopefully by the end of October), so I’m really looking forward to seeing how much we can do together on this project! There will be future posts from me, keeping you all up-to-date.

Please share this post to get it as much exposure as we can!


Miyu Nakamura Wrestling Seminar & Functional Movement

Miyu Nakamura is a Japanese wrestler in the 50kg weight category. She is one of the top wrestlers in the world for her weight class. Earlier in 2019 she beat the number two ranked wrestler from Ukraine in international competition.

At her seminar in El Dorado Hills, Miyu taught functional movements as part of her warm ups. These are essential movements for grappling type sports where you have to be flexible and at the same time powerful.

Link to her warm ups

EDH Jiu Jitsu and Self Defense is a martial arts school committed to bringing a unique and comprehensive training opportunities to our community. We look to enhance each individuals experience through the practice of training on the mat.

Little Free Library in EDH

Brad is building a Little Free Library for the dojo as part of his blue belt community project! One element of our belt graduation is a community service project that empowers, educated, and enriches the life of those around us. Brad is sharing his enthusiasm for reading with the little free library project.

The goal of this project is to increase book access for everyone in and around the dojo! The more access people have to books the higher the rate of literacy becomes and the positive correlations to this is abundant.

The little library will house books for everyone in the EDH, Folsom, Placerville, and in general along the highway 50 corridor. With the library, people attending our martial arts school will hWe look forward to what sparks as a result of a dojo library!

One reason to compete: A post World Master reflection by Coach Jon

I try to maintain a monthly tournament schedule for my kids. I do this so they can have goals, train when they “tired”, eat healthy, experience disappointment, experience winning, learn how to self-evaluate, be a good teammate, and that competing is part of life—on and off the mat.

During one of the tournaments…. Logan asked, “Why don’t you compete anymore?” I thought about it and couldn’t come up with any valid excuses.

So after 4 years of not competing I decided to lead by example…..I started eating healthier, going to the gym after putting them to sleep, going to BJJ classes knowing I would get beat up by my teammates.

My kids were able to see my physical transformation (lost 18lbs), my healthier eating habits, and my training routine. Hopefully doing this will have a positive influence in my kids’ lives and they no longer have to ask me why I don’t compete anymore.

The results….I won my first match but lost my second match by points due to some self inflicted mistakes.

Thank you Mama C for holding down the fort while I teach the kids a lesson!

Women’s Wrestling in El Dorado Hills with Miyu Nakamura

Miyu Nakamura from Sports Design Lab is a women’s wrestler from Japan. She will be training and teaching in El Dorado Hills for the week.

She wrestlers in the 50kg weight freestyle division and will be vying for the 2020 spot to compete in the Tokyo Olympics.

Her wrestling talent is something she has been perfecting since she was 5 years old. In Japan she is multiple middle school and high school champion. Internationally, she has bested some of the best wrestlers in the world, including the second ranked wrestler from Ukraine at the Kiev International.

In addition to wrestling, she is well versed in functional movement and training methods.

EDH Wrestling Class for kids & adults

Our Friday wrestling class is for everyone! Age (10+), weight, gender, experience, none of that matters. All we ask for is a willingness to learn, help one another, and get better.

Today we had Rene and Tim who wrestled in high school and college 30+ years ago, join us at EDH. Unlike the intensive old days where they would grind it out, today they simply had fun!

This skills based class is an opportunity for the veteran / retired wrestler, nogi jiujitsu competitor, and aspiring future wrestling champion. We spend time drilling techniques and transitions related to the wrestling takedown game. Offense, defense, counter offense, scrambles, secondary attacks, and basics concepts.

The primary goal of the class is to practice the skills used to take someone down while standing. These are skills that can be applied to wrestling, Self Defense, and jiujitsu.