Getting stronger together: edhbjj

Jiu Jitsu is a martial art and sport that centers around individual competition. It’s about pushing yourself to be your best and taking on your opponent in a one on one match. However, what many people overlook is that in a Jiu Jitsu gym, teamwork is essential to every athlete’s success.
The principle of “getting stronger together” is at the heart of El Dorado Hills BJJ. In a sport that requires intense physical and mental training it’s important to be surrounded by a supportive team. This makes it easier to push through challenges and strive towards your goals.

One of the key ways teamwork is essential in Jiu Jitsu is through drilling. Drilling is when two training partners work together to practice specific techniques and movements repeatedly. By working together, each partner is able to improve their technique and progress towards mastering their skill.

However, drilling goes beyond just improving technique. It also allows you to get to know your training partner and build a sense of camaraderie. When you spend hours drilling with someone, you learn to trust and rely on them.

Another way that teamwork is developed in Jiu Jitsu is through training camps and sparring. When athletes come together for intense training they are able to push each other to reach new heights. They learn from one another, share their struggles and triumphs and create bonds that will last a lifetime.

In Jiu Jitsu, as in life, success is not just about individual accomplishment . It’s also about working together to achieve something greater than yourself. Whether it’s through drilling with your partner or training hard with the team, the principle of “getting stronger together” is an essential part of our gym. 

Coach Danny