Student led community event by Chris: Star Treatment

Post from Chris:

I’ll be putting on a charity event for Star Treatments is an amazing charity founded by Matt DiRito, the bass player for the rock band Pop Evil. What they do is provide VIP transportation for children fighting cancer as well as their family and friends. One of the big expenses that often doesn’t get talked about for these unfortunate families is the the time and money spent on going to and from treatment facilities. Star Treatments helps to alleviate some of these burdens by providing tour busses and drivers to these families to transport them. On top of that the children get the “Star Treatment”, receiving care packages from other bands. It may not sound like a big deal but it can be a very large burden lifted from parents and a big morale boost for kids struggling with something many of us couldn’t even imagine. Matt definately puts it into better words than I can so I encourage you to click the link and read all about them.

So what we’re going to do is create “Star Jars” to collect funds to donate to their cause. This will be an event that the children who attend the kids classes are highly encouraged to attend as well as their parents, anyone else who would like to participate are more than welcome as well. You’ll need to bring

A jar to decorate, anything from a mason jar to one of those cheetos puff jugs, so long as it’s cleaned out beforehand.

  • Construction paper
  • Tape
  • Glue sticks

Any other craft materials you think would be fun, just avoid anything too messy like hot glue or glitter

I’ll be bringing some jars and other materials myself as well but they will be first come first serve basis. I will also be bringing several pairs of safety scissors as well to hopefully avoid accidentally cutting the mat.

We’ll meet at the gym on Sunday, September 22 at 11 AM. Together we’ll decorate our jars, have fun, and I’ll give a small speech about Star Treatments and their mission. After the event, everyone will take their star jars home and collect any spare change or cash you would like to donate and put in the jar. We’ll meet again on Sunday, October 27. Everyone will bring their jars and count up what they’ve collected and write it down. We’ll collect all of the amounts written down and add them up to find out how much we raised! Afterward I will give everyone the url for the Star Treatments donation page and everyone can donate the money they collected. Everyone who attends the first event, I will have a sign in sheet for you to write down a number or email you would like me to use to contact you and remind you of the second event. Let’s all come together to help out a great cause and I look forward to seeing you!