0600 black & blue Friday

Here is origin of our tribute rash guards.

It is not a nickname class, the name is a tribute to law enforcement, first responders, military, or any public service careers that operate on a 2400 military style clock. Even Ted Volpendesta, working his butt off as a nurse right now in these crazy times- he even operates on a 2400 clock.

I created the rash guards for the proceeds to be donated to a law enforcement type charity. It is not a separator, it is a unifier to support our brothers and sisters on the front line. In OUR Jiu Jitsu community, there are many. This is one for you. The rash guards is for the WHOLE DOJO.

Here is some of the other back story.

I served in the Army for 15 years (Believe it or not, I’m Eliot’s age ) lol. I did physical training every morning my whole military career and when I was training, it was always something like 0530, 0600, 0630… So when I joined the 6 am class, I would call it 0600 out of habit and tradition.

The other half, is jokingly I would call it Black Gi Friday cuz it sounded cool and since I have a BIG MOUTH, I would repeat it in class, Black Gi Friday- and it started to stick after 2 years of saying it with my big mouth. Michael Ferrel who comes to 0600 doesn’t own a black gi. Actually he only owns blue gis I think Lol so it was never going to be all black, so then I started saying Black and Blue Friday – Hence the tribute was born.

Please, our class is not a separator, it is a unifier. In times like these especially, for those continuing to serve our communities on the front lines, Thank You!!!!!!!!

All Love!!!
