Category Archives: Tournaments

The Referee’s Decision: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as a Sport


 Last weekend I competed at the Pan American Championship in Irvine. The Pan Ams is my favorite annual competition. It’s the only international competition in the U.S. where the entire competition team can participate in; from Juvenile to Master and White to Black Belt. It’s the first competition of the year where I focus all my efforts into being as well prepared as possible beforehand and give it my all when the Referee starts the match… usually.

My strategy going into my first match was to stay on top with either a takedown or letting my opponent pull guard, and then go for the pass. The Master’s divisions are short matches so I wanted to score first and be in the position to ride out the clock and work for Mount or submissions from Side Control.

I’m stretching in the bullpen, taking in the atmosphere of the building. The bullpen is a mix of tension with the fighters waiting to be called for their fights and elation with winning or being done for the competitors who already fought. The ring coordinator calls my name and my opponents and we follow him to our mat. I’m warm, I feel good, and I’m ready. The referee calls us out and I run on to the mat, bow, slap hands and fist-bump. It’s on.

My opponent is careful to engage, and we spend a couple minutes dancing around until I chase him down. We make grips and he pulls to an open guard. “Perfect!” I think. And this is pretty much where the entire match takes place. I feel good with my base and every time he tries to unbalance me I hold strong and ride it out. He has a good grip and Spider Guard on my left arm, but every time I try break it or get in a position to break it, he off-balances me and I have to focus on my base. There were a few instances where I broke the grips or he let go and I was moving and working my passes and then he’d get his grips again and we’d be right back in the same Spider Guard.

I’m watching the clock tick down to zero with the score tied at 0 points, 0 advantages, and 0 penalties. I’m thinking it would be foolish to try something risky to earn an advantage. I was on top and more active. I was more offensive and closer to a pass then he ever was to a sweep. All I had to do was not get scored on and there was only 10 seconds left. My opponent tried extending me one last time, but I stayed low and kept my weight back.

Time ended and we fixed our Gi’s. The referee held our arms and I took a deep breath. He raised my opponent’s arm and I turned away. I shook my opponent’s hand and congratulated him. I bowed to the Referee, thanked him for the job he had done and walked off the matt. I couldn’t believe it. How could I have not earned the decision win?

Well, I let the fight end with a tied score. Was the referee wrong with his decision? No, of course not. They don’t want to make the decision; they want you to score and make it clear that you won. It didn’t have to be in the last 10 seconds, but at some point in a 5 minute match you have to at least score an advantage. Otherwise there is nothing to have hard feelings about, other than your own performance.

What is the referee looking for in those situations? It’s completely subjective, yet completely justified. Every loss is a learning lesson and this isn’t the first decision that resulted in a loss for me, which is why I thought I had won. The lesson I take from it now is that it’s a coin-flip, in terms if you agree with the decision or not. They have their reasons and I’m sure if you ask, most will tell you why they ruled that way… after the fact.

Aaron Martinez

NAGA in San Jose

EDH Jiu Jitsu had three competitors in action at the competition arena this weekend in San Jose, CA. Jamie, Ricky, and Danny all made their show in the NoGi divisions of the NAGA San Jose Grappling Championships. (North American Grappling Association).

Jamie won gold in the intermediate blue belt division and was called up to compete in the expert division for purple belts and above. Overall she made some impressive improvements from her last competition, and challenged herself to play outside of her comfort zone.

In the expert division,  the final score of the six minute match was 8-3. Congratulations to Jamie on her performance and constant improvement. For those who are not in the know, Jamie trains 2-3 times daily both on and off the mat. Her dedication to improvement and pursuit of success is unmatched.

Danny and Ricky competed in the men’s division of the NAGA championships. Ricky fell short in his first match. Danny pulled through to the finals and finished with a Silver medal. He also made some impressive improvements from his last tournament experience at the Grappling X in Elk Grove, CA in November.

Regardless of the outcome, preparation for competition done right always leads to continued improvement. It’s exciting to see everyone give their best in the arena and make no excuses about their performance. We look forward to seeing these competitors in action again soon!!

NABJJF San Diego International Open Gold

Josh Bacon won Gold at the NABJJF (North America Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation) San Diego International Open. Josh competed in the NoGi division for the tournament held on February 26 in San Diego, CA. The NABJJF belongs to the SJJIF (Sport Jiu Jitsu International Federation) and it aims to expand and unite the sport internationally with rules, regulation and style that conforms to Olympic standards and embodies the Olympic spirit.

Josh made an impressive show of heart victory to secure a medal at the Grappling X tournament held in Elk Grove in November of 2016. He had to take a little break from training between the two competitions, but his passion to train, learn, and compete pulled him back out to the competition arena in San Diego. He had an impressive showing, and was back on the mat the following week after his return from San Diego.

Here is the link to his finals match posted on facebook life:

IBJJF San Jose Open Gi & NoGi Results

Zack wins Gold

On January 28th and 29th at the San Jose Community College the IBJJF (International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation) San Jose Open took place. The tournament was a two day tournament in the Gi and NoGi. This was a great opportunity to test their skills in a local northern California competition. Probably the biggest tournament outside of the BJJ Tour Championships; US Open, American Cup, and All Star Championships. Members of EDH BJJ, competing as Yemaso BJJ,  finished with the following results:

Mark Swisher – Competitor
Jamie Gomez – Bronze
Zack Smith – Bronze
Allan Scott – Silver
Aaron Martinez – Silver
Jerel Tengan – Silver
Eliot Kelly – Gold

Jamie Gomez – Bronze
Zack Smith – Gold
Aaron Martinez – Silver
Jerel Tengan – Silver
Eliot Kelly – Gold & Silver (absolute)

Eliot win Gold

The tournament was a great opportunity to start the year with a competition. A few high lights of the tournament came with Zack Smith taking Bronze in his division but coming back the next day to win the Gold in the NoGi division. This showed great persistence and determination. Another big victory of the weekend came from coach Eliot Kelly winning gold in the Ultra Heavyweight division beating Vinicius de Magalhães of Vinny Magalhaes BJJ in the finals. Vinny is an incredibly talented prize fighter in MMA, Jiu Jitsu and Grappling. He is an ADCC champion, IBJJF World Champion, EBI and UFC competitor.

Grappling X competition in Fresno, CA

Rich participated in the Grappling X tournament series held in Fresno, CA on February 12th. He came back from the experience with 3 matches. 1 win and 2 losses. The tournament was a good experience building opportunity, competing as a purple belt in the Gi and NoGi. In his reflection Rich said, “It was a very positive tournament experience for me. The organizer called me and assured me that I would be getting several matches. I’m thankful for them following through on their promise.” Rich also remarked, “I was able to go out there with a positive mind. I’ve been really working on the competition mindset and I feel I was able to overcome some obstacles this weekend.” Congratulations to Rich on this success at the Grappling X Fresno tournament. 


Javen Wins Bronze to Start 2017 Competitions

Javen Jones, freshman at Oak Ridge High School, took Bronze in the NABJJF (North American Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation) Kids All Americas on the twenty first of January in Cerritos, CA.

Winning one of his two matches, Javen displayed excellent takedown strategy, scoring a takedown on both matches. He managed to secure the mount position and, just as the timer ended, finished with an armbar — a favored technique, as seen from his preceding tournaments. Javen plans to come back from his tournament experience and hit the mats immediately!  He has big aspirations to continue competing for years to come.

This tournament was held at Cerritos College.

ADCC North American Trials Champion

Eliot Kelly, head instructor of El Dorado Hills Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Self Defense, qualified for the most prestigious submission wrestling tournament in the world last weekend in Bayville, New Jersey at the ADCC North American Trials. The ADCC (Abu Dhabi Combat Club) Championships, often referred as the Olympics of grappling, will be held in Helsinki, Finland in September, 2017.

15138581_1298638326853621_3990788437185146723_oThe ADCC North American Trials featured some of the best grapplers in North America. Eliot had three bouts to secure his invitation. In his first,  he won by referee decision after no points in overtime. In his semi final match, he won by 2 points in the overtime round. In the final match, he won by 2 points in the regulation round. His bouts can be found on

15085560_1159304874155298_2924207230747964222_n“It’s never easy to travel all the way across the country and compete, but I was able to qualify and make it to the championships. There’s plenty of time to prepare so I’m getting together my coaches from EDH Jiu Jitsu, One Body Pain & Performance, and Apex Wrestling now to represent our community and the United States!”

IBJJF World Master 2016 Results & Performances

14188489_10153893487628181_8753936075757770927_oEl Dorado Hills Brazilian Jiu Jitsu had an excellent showing this last week at the IBJJF World Master Championships. This was an exclusive world class event for Master competitors age 30 and above. The Master age divisions are divided in five year increments all the way up to Master 6.

Here are the competitors from EDH in action and their results:

Black Belt:
Michel Miyashita – eliminatory round
Eliot Kelly – Silver Medal
Brown Belt:
Sean Gonsolin – qtr finalist
Purple Belt:
Kiet Se – Silver Medal
Allan Scott – Bronze Medal
Blue Belt:
Kyle Parker – qtr finalist
Pedro Santos – eliminatory round
Mark Swisher – qtr finalist
Zack Smith – Silver Medal

The IBJJF World Master held in Las Vegas, NV was the largest event in the history of World Masters with competitors from all over the globe.  Hosted at the convention center, the tournament also featured sponsored booths like Adidas, Fighter’s Line, Gameness, Acai Sambazon, Evexia fit expo, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu seminars by classic icons like Jacare, Almeida, Vieira, and 2016 Olympic Silver medalist in Judo Travis Stevens.

The Black belts opened the tournament this year. Michel, visiting from Sao Paulo, Brazil made is debut in the World Master category. He had a nail biting qtr final match, down by 2 advantage points he fought to hold a guard pass, but was unable to secure the points before time ran out. He lost the match by an advantage point. Eliot won his first by an advantage against an opponent from the Middle East. In the second round he was able get ahead by 18 points before finishing his opponent with a chock from the mount. In the third round, Eliot beat 7 time world champion, Xande Ribeiro in a close 2-0 match. Eliot faced Rafael Lovato jr. in the finals and was downed by a choke in the beginning of the match. This gave Eliot a Silver medal in the standings. Eliot also participated in the open class division later in the evening. He was downed by Rafael Formiga in a 2-2 referee decision.

The brown belts also competed on the opening day of the tournament. Sean Gonsolin had an impressive attack sequence in his first match showing total dominance. In the qtr final round he was set short in a tight back and forth match of sweeps and wasn’t awarded a sweep from a technicality in the rule book. Compared to last year, it was a noticeable improvement in his technical game!

Kiet Se had an impressive series of rounds in the preliminary rounds attacking from the feet, on top, and from guard. In the semi final match he came through on a very close back to back match to win the judges decision and advance to the championship finals. In the finals, he faced a seasoned purple belt veteran. While Kiet had an impressive series of attacks, his opponent was able to make strong counter attacks, taking the lead. While Kiet continued to attack, he was unable to come back to secure the victory. He finished with an impressive Silver medal.

The blue belts competed on the second day of the tournament. Zack opened the tournament with some impressive wins in the preliminary rounds. In the finals he faced an opponent with an extremely strategic game. He came two points short of the victory, fighting hard to secure some points before time had expired. He had an impressive performance!

Mark, Pedro, and Kyle all made the Master World Championships debut with this tournament. Mark played a solid attack from his guard working for sweeps and submissions from his back. He was barely stopped from advancing to the medal rounds in the quarter finals. Pedro made a move to attack early in his match but was stopped short by the eventual champion of his bracket. Kyle dominated in the early rounds with an impressive series of flow attacks from submission to submission, position to position. He met a tough battle in the quarter finals and was stopped from advancing to the medal rounds.

Congratulations on the team and competitors!!

EDH Jiu Jitsu & Self Defense



Fight to Win Pro 8 San Francisco

On July 23rd,  Fight to Win Pro 8 card took place at the Kezar pavilion in San Francisco, CA. This was a professional submission only jiujitsu event with each competitor paired up against another for a one match, winner takes all type of event. The card featured 20 plus competitors mostly from northern California. The unique atmosphere set by the organization added fuel to the already exciting match ups. The atmosphere could be described as rock concert meets jiujitsu meets MMA event. By the end of the night over $30,000 were paid out in salary and commission!

The main event featured jiujitsu and MMA superstars Dean Lister v Yuri Simoes, Gary Tonon v Dustin Akbari, and Baret Yoshida v Woolf Barnato. The event also featured black belts as well as some up and coming blue, purple, and brown belts. Eliot Kelly, an instructor at EDH Jiu Jitsu was also one of the black belt competitors featured in the event. 13731611_10153826955279226_658550669447576090_n Eliot faced Gustavo Siri Pires, a formidable opponent representing Gracie Barra with several world titles under his belt. The match was an exciting back and forth battle from the feet and on the ground with submission attempts by both competitors. Having been matched up previously in the finals of the 2015 Master World championships, both competitors were well prepared strategically to beat each others game. In the end with about 2 minutes remaining in the 8 minute match, Eliot was able to secure a toe hold to win by submission. 13612113_1176123599077629_8647826087221111541_n

While the card featured several Sacramento area submission grapplers and jiujitsu martial artists, it was a winning night for team Yemaso.13767128_10207220425928453_5494518050556606771_o

Marcos Torregrosa and Eliot Kelly, who both represented Yemaso BJJ were able to secure a submission in their matches, adding excitement into the night. Both had prepared a specific play book to use in their matches agains their specific opponents. Clearly they had planned and prepared well in anticipation of their opponents strategies. Congratulation to both Eliot & Marcos on their submission victory!

EDH Jiu Jitsu

IBJJF: American Nationals Results & Reflections

The IBJJF (International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation) Gi and NoGi American Nationals took place from July 8-9 in the Las Vegas Convention Center along with UFC 200 expo. The multi martial art event featured multiple world class competitors including Boxing, kick boxing, International Mixed Martial Arts (IMMAF), Wrestling, 3 part fighting, Tae Kwon Do, Karate, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. This event was also a historical event in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with the 8 man Black Belt Grand Prix tournament. The winner taking $40,000 and the runner up taking $10,000 in prize money. UFC-200-e1466714324809

El Dorado Hills had two participants, Zach and Eliot, both putting on a spectacular performance a this national event. Here are the quick results from the tournament:

Zach: GOLD (Adult Rooster NoGi) Blue belt
Zach: BRONZE (Adult Rooster Gi) Blue belt
Eliot: SILVER (Adult Super Heavy NoGi) Black belt
Eliot: SILVER (Adult Open NoGi) Black belt
Eliot: SILVER (Adult Super Heavy Gi) Black belt

Zach had a close yet dominant finish in the finals of his NoGi division. He started off very strong with a power double leg takedown. After a strong battle and nearly passing the guard multiple times, he was swept to tie the score. He quickly recomposed his guard and found his way back to the top where he was up again by two points. He finished the match attacking to finish for the submission. 13620300_1047799118639208_8333244524386953840_n

Zach had to make weight twice in one day, which is no easy task for someone competing in the Rooster weight division. Competing in the Gi later in the day, he won his first match and advanced to the semi final match to face this year’s world bronze medalist. He had a very close game of strategy and was downed by two points. This was a great opportunity for Zach to compete with some of the best and further reinforce his potential as a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competitor. “There are still some technical positions I need to improve and learn, but I was able to try things I wouldn’t have down in the past. This tournament was a great show of my progress as a jiujitsu competitor.” Congratulations to Zach on becoming the 2016 National Champion! 13615174_1047802838638836_8022646647084710424_n

Eliot came into the tournament with some unsettled business from 2015, where he finished with three silver medals and one bronze. He fell short again, but seemed satisfied with his performance. “I didn’t improve in my placings, but I definitely see an improvement in my performance and ability. Now it’s just a matter of consistency and patience.”

In the finals of the  NoGi division Eliot lost a 0-0 referee decision. He went on to compete in the open weight division where all the athletes compete against one another regardless of weight division. Eliot won his quarter final match 17-0 to advance to the semi finals. In the semi’s Eliot had a very close match with Vladir, a professional MMA fighter from Fight Sports Miami, winning by 3-2 on advantage points. In the finals Eliot went against Barbosa, an up and coming black belt, from Atos Jiu-Jitsu. He suffered a takedown and guard pass from an early slip up to counter the takedown, putting him behind 5-0. Eliot pressed for some attacks after recovering guard and even brought the match back to the feet, but time ran out as he pressed for the attack. Giving him a Silver in the all weights combined (open class) division. 13592562_1047811225304664_731655693664537251_n

The black belts competed in the Gi the following day. Eliot faced off with Valdir again in the semi finals of the tournament. He was winning 4-2 when the match was stopped for too many blood time outs. Since an athlete is allowed three time outs per injury, the trainers gave it their best to stop the bleeding, but were unable to, giving Eliot the victory. The two athletes had a very exciting and competitive match. However, Eliot noticed signs of a concussion after walking off the mat. An assessment with the on staff doctors led to a positive diagnosis taking him out of the tournament. 13654307_1048678898551230_6100092079655689032_n

Think Strong