Communication: A life skill against bullying

Jr Jiu Jitsu Class (age 10-16)

We believe jiujitsu is a means of teaching communication. Not just with our bodies but with our words. A way to express who we are and what we are thinking as well as what we are feeling. Communication is a skill, more broadly a life skill, that needs practice and work to develop. It’s not something that just happens. It takes practice, tips, advice, and more to get better at doing.

We emphasize the idea of communication starting with talking about greetings. How do you say “hello.” Every good interaction is easier when we start with a good greeting. Greetings might seem minimal and trivial in an interaction, but they set the tone and expectation of the interaction. Therefore it’s an integral part of our communication. We practice and teach this at EDH Jiu Jitsu regularly. Doing so gives the students tools to use off the mat. The mat is a training ground for a life skill that will be integral to them forever.

As students finish up their summer and head back to school, we stress the importance of good greetings in building friendships and good interactions. Greetings, much like first impressions, set an expectation. This expectation of confidence can lead to minimize bullying behavior. It’s not the cure but it’s one interaction that negates a bully from seizing control.