JJWL Tournament Champions

This weekend was the JJWL Stockton tournament. The American Jiu Jitsu Syndicate team finished with a few team trophies. In the youth gi division the team finished in 2nd place, a few points shy of 1st. In the adult and masters gi division the team finished in 1st place by a margin over 150 points. Congratulations!

From EDH BJJ there were 11 youth competitors, Ryder, Dailan, George, Drake, Marco, Jack F, Jack J, Colin, Hunter, Ella, and Emma. There were also 3 adult and master competitors, Danny, Joe, and Johnathan. Each competitor made improvements from match to match, showing a great display of ability to learn and improve their instincts. It’s very exciting to see competitors get out there and compete. The lessons learned in the short minutes of competition are incredibly valuable.

As the opportunity to compete grows it’s important to keep a few things in mind. Tournament experiences are a multi part process of training and preparation, the tournament performance, and the post tournament review and reflection. We can’t stress enough the importance of coaches and competitors connecting the dots and making the most of their competition experience through reflection.

EDH Jiu-Jitsu